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Why go solar?


The number one reason homeowners switch to solar is to save money. And you can. It's not a gimmick. Power companies will tell you it's a bunch of hooey. Why do they do that? Do you think they are watching out for you or watching out for their profit margin. Think about it. They have a monopoly! Don't you think they want to protect it? Going solar allows you to have more control of the cost of electricity. Depending on your market you may see savings after a few years, or in some areas like California and New England, you see savings right away. 


In the traditional model of power distribution your power can travel hundreds of miles to get to you. There are many obstacles along the way. Old power lines are inefficient, repeater stations are subject to failure and tampering, storms knock over trees that break lines, and so on. Solar is right on your property. Either on the roof or a ground mount somewhere on your property, The power doesn't have to travel far making it more efficient and more reliable.

Environmentally friendly

Solar is clean! There are no fumes spilling into the air like coal and oil fired power plants. Even natural gas (aka: Methane) emits CO2 into the air, and other things if the system isn't adjusted to burn as clean as possible. Some would argue there is environmental impact to producing panels and batteries, but if you look at the long term environmental effects, the choice is clear. 


We all know it makes more sense to own than to rent, at least long term. When you rent, the owner of whatever you are renting benefits from the increased equity and you end up with nothing to show for it at the end of the term of your rent. This is true with homes, automobiles, and electricity! Own your power plant. NREL says adding solar to your home increases your homes value by 4.1% and you can sell your home 20% faster that without. Why would you not want to take advantage of that?!?!

It's Easy!!

We take all the work out of it so all you have to do is watch t happen. You can go solar for as little as $0 down! Leverage the federal Investment Tax Credit and get 30% of the cost of your solar system back through your taxes.

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