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New: Duke Energy PowerPair Solar + Battery Rebate Program for North Carolina
Save up to $9,000 with Duke Energy's Solar and Battery Rebate Incentive

Sunset on Solar Panels

Clean Energy Starts Now!

Take back control of your power!

Wouldn't it be great to break free of the power company's monopoly? Welcome to solar and welcome to Triangle Solar JB! Solar energy allows you to no longer be at the mercy of your power company. When they hike rates you don't have to participate. You don't have to set the thermostat to 80 degrees in the summer anymore, or 60 degrees in the winter if you have a heat pump. It's your home! Be comfortable.
We offer the best rooftop solar solutions available. Have land? Ask us about our ground mounted options. 
Battery storage solutions have revolutionized the game. You no longer have to be subject to rolling blackouts, power outages from storms or other events. Reliably keep your lights on when the utility can't. From critical system backup to near full power independence, we've got you covered!
Let us guide you in adopting the best technologies to serve your family's needs.

See what we can do for you. Click here for more!

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